Volunteer application for:
Volunteer retail assistant

Auckland - Wairau Park

  • Step - 1 Screening
  • Step - 2 About you
  • Step - 3 Background and consent

Before getting started

As part of the application process, you'll need:

  • The details of an emergency contact person.
  • If you are aged 15 to 17, you will also need the details of a parent/guardian.

Initial screening questions

Personal details

Please specify how often, or what days you are available to volunteer?

Emergency contact details

Parental consent

Parent/guardian details are needed if you are under 18

Are you aged 15-17?

Medical and behavioural history

Please note this information may be provided to our vetting panel who make decisions about volunteer eligibility.

Find out more about our background checks.

Medical history

Do you currently have, or have you in the last five years, suffered from any medical, physical or mental conditions that could affect your ability to carry out Red Cross duties?

Behavioural history

Have you been found guilty of a criminal offence in the last seven years, or are you currently awaiting proceedings for any criminal offences?

Driving history

Have you been found guilty of a driving offence within the last seven years, or are you currently awaiting processing for any driving related offences?


I affirm and agree to follow the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

I agree to follow the Constitution and the Regulations.

I agree to follow internal regulations on the use of the emblem.

I agree to comply with the Code of Conduct.

I agree to enrol as a member of New Zealand Red Cross for the duration of my voluntary service. 

I agree to receive information from time to time about the work of New Zealand Red Cross including how to donate. I understand I can unsubscribe at any time.

I have read the Privacy Statement.

Min age
15 years
  • New Zealand Police - support services (child/youth)
If you have questions about this role: