Employing refugees

Find skilled workers
Our Pathways to Employment teams can connect you with refugee-background job seekers who are skilled, hard-working and available for immediate start.
It's kind of matchmaking whenever you hire someone new as it is, and we're really lucky – Alex just came with incredible work ethic, that matched us as well because we we work pretty hard.
I think it's just a really neat thing to have an open mind about. That it doesn't matter where someone comes from, or what they look like or what languages they speak, but good people and good employees are just worth their weight in gold.
It's been most helpful for us, Red Cross thanked me for taking them, but actually I thank the Red Cross for for giving them to me, or you know, setting it up. They've been really a good thing for our contract in this business.
I've heard some really good stories about the refugees their commitment, their ethic, their desire to work to give them a chance. And I thought you know I thought that sounds really cool and I want to give it a go. As with anything, it's finding the right person to fit fit the role, but from what we've seen so far it's been a really positive experience for us and for our employees, as well as for the people coming into the community.
It's been beneficial for Southroads. At the time, we've been struggling to find the right people, and it just so happened that Mauricio and Carlos were the right people. They're eager to learn, hard-working, and they're just a good fit for our company.
If you're struggling for labour, definitely consider working with these guys to help find the right people. The skills these guys are showing, there'll be someone that can they can just step into those roles and be quite hands-on and practical. These are people who have made some pretty major life decisions to leave where they are, to come to New Zealand, to give their families and themselves a much better chance at life. And people were really keen to get in and and get things done and to learn. We definitely say, no hesitation.
They're very, very keen and willing to work and giving them the jobs after coming to New Zealand is such a huge – you know, it's been a huge journey for them, that this is life changing really. For them as well as, makes them become Southlanders, doesn't it? Kiwis.
You can make a huge difference to someone’s life by providing them with a job. Gaining employment is important to build independence and a sense of belonging in a new place.
Having a job not only allows our clients to earn an income and use their knowledge and skills, it also gives them an opportunity to contribute to the community in New Zealand that has become their new home. And your workplace will benefit from increased diversity and new skills and perspectives.
How it works
Our team will work with you to assess your needs and connect you with quality candidates to fill skill gaps in your workforce. Once your new employee starts work, our advisors will be on hand to support you to help ensure the placement is a success. We can also provide cultural awareness support and interpreters where needed.
The Pathways to Employment service is free of charge, and your business may be eligible for Work and Income subsidies when employing former refugees.
All our candidates have permanent residency in New Zealand and don’t need work permits.
Increasing diversity and innovation
Our refugee-background job seekers bring a wealth of experience and skills that can benefit your business.
People from a refugee background bring diversity and cultural and social richness to workplaces around Aotearoa.
Increasing the diversity of our workforce increases innovation and creativity.
Get in touch
New Zealand Red Cross has Pathways to Employment advisors in 13 locations around New Zealand. Our team is happy to chat about your recruitment needs.
If you are a large employer who is interested in providing job opportunities to people from refugee backgrounds across multiple regions, please get in contact with our National Pathways to Employment Manager.
Success stories
Our team is happy to put you in touch with employers who can talk about their experiences. We’ve placed refugee background clients with skills and experience in construction, hair dressing, hospitality, engineering and many other trades.

Kitset cabins and collegial connections
Ngun Kung has travelled a long way to achieve his dream of a simple, stable life. After being forced to flee his home country several years ago, he couldn’t be happier with where he wound up.

Bittersweet escape from Kabul
Amid the chaos of Kabul in August, Afghan pharmacist Zamir waited outside the airport wondering if he would ever safely make it out of Afghanistan to be with his fiancé on the other side of the world.