Other ways to get funding support

New Zealand Red Cross is just one of the organisations providing funding to help people and communities affected by recent severe weather events. Find out other ways to apply for financial support.
Cyclone Gabrielle relief funding
Hawke's Bay Disaster Relief Fund
This Fund provides financial support to residents and ratepayers of the Hawke’s Bay region who have been affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. This one-off hardship grant provides for damage or hardship incurred as a result of the cyclone.
Hawke's Bay Foundation
Cyclone Relief Fund Provides cyclone-specific funding to charitable organisations.
NEMA Welfare Support Grant
A government fund administered by the National Emergency Management Agency. The fund is intended to reimburse community organisations that have cared for people who were affected, displaced, or isolated during the state of national emergency.
MPI cyclone Gabrielle recovery grants and funding
Financial support from the Ministry for Primary Industries for farmers, growers, whenua Māori entities and rural communities significantly affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.
Cyclone Gabrielle Māori Communities Response Fund
Te Puni Kōkiri is providing $9 million in funds for rapid assistance to marae and hapori Māori affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.
Work and Income
Support for accommodation, urgent or unexpected costs, finding work, and employer support for people and businesses affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.
General funding support
Community Matters
Contact their Napier office for details about how your organisation can register for grant applications.
Harcourts Foundation
Funding for community projects.
Napier Council Community Services Grant
Funding for community projects.
Eastern & Central Community Trust Grassroots Fund
Community service and initiatives.
Evergreen Foundation
The Evergreen Foundation is supporting the families and communities in the horticultural and agricultural sectors in Hawke’s Bay and Tairawhiti/Gisborne through its Cyclone Relief Fund.
Pub Charity
For projects of community benefit.
One Foundation
Funding for community projects.
First Light Foundation
Funding for community projects.
The Lion Foundation
Grants for cultural, health, sports, and education initiatives.