National Youth Hui
1 May 2023

On Friday 10 March, thirty rangatahi from across Aotearoa New Zealand travelled to Wellington for our National Youth Hui. The two-day hui focused on governance, leadership, diversity and inclusion.
Coming from a variety of backgrounds, ages and ethnicities the group learnt from New Zealand Red Cross leaders such as Sarita Love, youth representative to the National Board, Kerry Nickels, National President, Sarah Stuart-Black our Secretary General as well as Dr Dougal Sutherland, CEO of Umbrella Wellbeing.
The two-day event kicked off with a photo scavenger hunt across Wellington, challenging attendees to take photos in different locations across the city.
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One of the highlights of the hui, was the diversity and inclusion session facilitated by Youth Panel member Tom Notton. Attendees sat on the floor, in a big circle and everyone began to open up with warm, open and honest conversation about what diversity and inclusion means to them.
“People shared a lot of experiences that you don’t want young people to go through, but it does happen. There was a lot of vulnerable sharing in a safe space that people felt comfortable in. That was quite powerful.” Sarita Love, youth representative to the National Board.
Other sessions included those on governance and leadership, where attendees learnt about what New Zealand Red Cross does, who we are, why we do it and how we fit into the international Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
The governance and leadership sessions showed us, and attendees, that young people in New Zealand have very similar values to the Red Cross.
“The hui was a great opportunity to meet with other people who are interested in Red Cross for governance, leadership or any humanitarian reason. I made lots of friends!” Rahaf Almabaid, attendee.
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Our youth engagement programmes are all about building connections through shared humanitarian values.
“It was fantastic to meet so many diverse and passionate youth. I really enjoyed the sessions and the big focus on building relationships and connecting with one another and I definitely feel like I’ve made friends for life!” Tess Mortimer, youth hui attendee.
Thank you to all thirty-five attendees who came to our National Youth Hui.
About our youth engagement
- Read our youth engagement strategy
- Learn about our structure and governance
- Learn about our Fundamental Principles and the Red Cross Movement
- Read about the role of Area Councils
Other ways to get involved
- Find a volunteer role that suits you
- Work for New Zealand Red Cross
- Organise a fundraising event
- Donate to an appeal
- Follow our social media channels (links in the footer)