Development scholarship awarded to Dunedin archaeologist
19 December 2024

Jasmine Weston is a Dunedinite, archaeologist, and disaster welfare and support volunteer. She recently received the Jennifer Clark Memorial Scholarship, awarded to people aged 30 and under so that they can attend a course as part of their leadership development. The scholarship is to the value of $2,000.
Every year we recognise the service of our people through national honours and awards. We're a team of thousands of members and volunteers as well as hundreds of employees across the motu – from Kaitaia to Invercargill.
A University of Otago alumni and archaeologist, Jasmine has been a member of our Disaster Welfare and Support Team in Dunedin since 2018 and is currently deputy team leader. She'll use the scholarship to attend an action-oriented team leadership course offered by Land Search and Rescue New Zealand.
"You just want everyone to have a safe comfortable place they can be, even during an emergency,” she said of her support work with Red Cross.
The course will equip Jasmine with more skills to lead effectively when she and the team are called on to respond to emergencies.
“I've met some of the most wonderful, dedicated, hard-working people that would go on to become like my whānau. I'm constantly in awe of the range of skills that our wonderful team members have and how we can all work together so well.”
Jasmine is a life-long Dundedinite, growing up in the city before studying at the University of Otago. When not responding to emergencies or training with Red Cross she works at Heritage New Zealand as an archaeologist.
About Jennifer Clark
Jennifer Clark was a member of our National Board for three years. She was a passionate advocate for young people and their development, especially women. She used her experience and expertise to mentor and encourage people she met.
In 2010 she died after a battle with breast cancer. With the permission of Jennifer’s family, the National Board established an annual scholarship honouring Jennifer and to continue the work she was passionate about.
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