Our work in the Pacific

Our work in the Pacific
New Zealand Red Cross partners with Red Cross National Societies in the Pacific to support vulnerable communities across 12 countries.
New Zealand Red Cross has a long history and strong relationship with Pacific people. We help communities prepare for disasters, provide support during an emergency event, and help communities get back on their feet afterwards.
We provide broader support to strengthen governance and administrative functions in local Red Cross National Societies in the Pacific. We also run special appeals at home to support relief and response work after a disaster.
Helping prepare for disasters
Resilient communities are better able to withstand and recover from the impact of disasters and adverse weather events, which are being exacerbated in the Pacific by climate change.
The Pacific region is also part of the ‘Ring of fire’ — one of the most disaster-prone regions in the world. With a high chance of earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, floods, and droughts, it’s vital Pacific Red Cross National Societies are prepared to respond when disaster hits.
We support many Pacific Red Cross National Societies so they are well-equipped, trained, and funded to work with their communities in times of need.
First aid support
We send our skilled, international delegates across the Pacific to provide first aid materials and train instructors in first aid. Each year, up to 10,000 Pacific people receive training. These people are the first responders in their communities when disaster strikes.
Safe water and sanitation
Accessing safe water is a significant challenge after many disasters. We support regional training activities, such as training in safe water and sanitation, health, and disaster management.
Relief items on stand-by
We store relief items in depots across the Pacific so critical items can be distributed quickly after a disaster. We also store emergency equipment in New Zealand — such as shelter kits, water containers, blankets, and tarpaulins — that can be flown to disaster zones at short notice.
During a disaster
When disaster strikes a Pacific neighbour, we’re ready to respond. Depending on what’s needed, we’ll send immediate relief supplies such as blankets, lanterns and tarpaulins, and may send skilled delegates to work alongside Pacific Red Cross National Society response teams.
Our delegates have expertise in various areas including disaster management, emergency health and medicine, water and sanitation, shelter, information technology, and communications.
IT and T Emergency Response Unit
Our Information Technology and Telecommunications Emergency Response Unit (ERU) is a specialist team that travels to disaster-affected areas to restore communication systems. This makes it possible for other teams to coordinate their response efforts and logistics.
Helping rebuild communities
We work with Red Cross National Societies to help communities recover after a cyclone or other disaster, helping them rebuild community infrastructure, housing, and water systems.
Pacific Partner Programme
As part of our broader Pacific programme, we also support core administrative activities in Pacific Red Cross National Societies. This includes help with funding, providing technical know-how and training in finance, human resources, and information technology.
Information technology and telecommunications experts from New Zealand provide ongoing training and equipment for our partner Pacific Red Cross National Societies.
Donate to support
If you would like to support our work in the Pacific, you can donate to our Pacific Disaster Fund.
Or, to donate via phone, call: 0800 RED CROSS (0800 733 2766) option 2, which takes you through to our donations team. We can only take credit card donations over the phone.