We prefer donations via our website because it is easier for us to process. But we welcome donations by whatever means is convenient for you. This page explains the different ways you can donate.

Give monthly as a regular donor

As a regular monthly donor you will be part of a wonderful community we call our “project partners”.  Your regular donation helps vulnerable people in New Zealand and around the world.  Regular donors make it possible for us to be there for those in need in times of disaster, disease, and conflict. 

There are five ways you can become a regular donor.

  • Sign up via our website.
  • Set up a monthly automatic payment via internet banking.
  • Set up a monthly direct debit via post.
  • Talk to us over the phone to set up your regular donation.
  • Talk to one of our face-to-face fundraisers when they visit your community.

You will need the following information when you set up a direct debit via your internet banking.

Bank Name (our bank): ASB Bank Ltd

Account name: NZRC Fundraising

Account number: 12-3192-0043737-00 

Particulars (Limited to 12 characters): Your first name or initials and surname or organisation name.  

Code: Donation

Your reference (Limited to 12 characters): 

Your supporter ID number if known. You will find this number on correspondence from Red Cross, it starts with “RE"


Leave blank if you don’t have a supporter ID number.

Call 0800 697 277 and ask us to send you a direct debit form by post.

Post your completed form to: PO Box 12140, Thorndon, Wellington 6144

Call 0800 697 277 and we’ll organise it for you.

Talk to one of our face-to-face fundraising representatives when they visit your community.

Make a one-off donation

There are six ways you can make a one-off donation.

  • Online using a credit or debit card.
  • Talk to us on the phone.
  • Via internet banking.
  • Via international telegraphic transfer.
  • Visit a Red Cross shop or office.
  • Visit any ASB branch.

If any community groups, schools, or organisations have funds to donate to the New Zealand Fund, please email getfundraising@redcross.org.nz, or businesses can email company@redcross.nz.

  • Donate on our website using a credit or debit card.
  • Provide your email address and you’ll receive a tax receipt by email immediately.

Donate online now

Call 0800 RED CROSS (0800 733 27677) to donate with a credit or debit card. We’ll take your name, email or postal address and phone number. We collect this information over the phone so we can send you a tax receipt.

  • Donate at any Red Cross shop using your EFTPOS or credit card.
  • Ask for a tax receipt and provide your name, email or postal address and phone number.

Map of Red Cross locations

New Zealand Red Cross banks with ASB Bank. You need the following details to make a deposit.

Account name: NZRC Fundraising

Account number: 12-3192-0043737-00

Particulars (Limited to 12 characters): Your first name or initials and surname or organisation name.

Choose one of the following options:

Your donation will go to our 2025 Annual Appeal – Here for Humanity – Here and Abroad

Account Name: NZRC Fundraising

Account Number: 12-3192-0043737-00

Code: Donation

Your donation will go to the Pacific Disaster Fund

Account Name: NZRC Fundraising

Account Number: 12-3192-0043737-00

Code: Pacific Dis

Your donation will go to the Global Disaster Fund

Account Name: NZRC Fundraising

Account Number: 12-3192-0043737-00

Code: Global Dis

Your donation will go to the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal

Account Name: NZRC Fundraising

Account Number: 12-3192-0043737-00

Code: Ukraine

Your reference (Limited to 12 characters)

Your supporter ID number if known. You will find this number on correspondence from Red Cross, it starts with “RE"


Leave blank if you don’t have a supporter ID number.

  1. Ask the teller for a stamped deposit receipt if you want us to post or email you a tax receipt
  2. Post your stamped deposit receipt to:
    New Zealand Red Cross – Supporter Services, PO Box 12140, Thorndon, Wellington 6144.
  3. Or scan your deposit receipt and send via email to fundraising@redcross.org.nz
  4. Tell us your name, email address, postal address, and phone number.

You can make a one-off donation via internet banking.

  1. To receive a tax receipt email fundraising@redcross.org.nz after you have made the donation.
  2. Tell us your name, email, phone number, amount donated, and date deposited.
  3. We will email you a receipt.
  4. If you need us to post you a receipt, please tell us your address.

Account name: NZRC Fundraising

Account number: 12-3192-0043737-00

Particulars (Limited to 12 characters): Your first name or initials and surname or organisation name.

Choose one of the following options:

Your donation will go to our 2025 Annual Appeal – Here for Humanity – Here and Abroad

Account Name: NZRC Fundraising

Account Number: 12-3192-0043737-00

Code: Donation

Your donation will go to the Pacific Disaster Fund

Account Name: NZRC Fundraising

Account Number: 12-3192-0043737-00

Code: Pacific Dis

Your donation will go to the Global Disaster Fund

Account Name: NZRC Fundraising

Account Number: 12-3192-0043737-00

Code: Global Dis

Your donation will go to the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal

Account Name: NZRC Fundraising

Account Number: 12-3192-0043737-00

Code: Ukraine

Your reference (Limited to 12 characters)

Your supporter ID number if known. You will find this number on correspondence from Red Cross, it starts with “RE"


Leave blank if you don’t have a supporter ID number.

We accept donations from overseas donors. You need the following information to make an international transfer.

Bank name: ASB Bank

Branch name: ASB Commercial Banking

Branch address: 2 Hunter Street, Wellington 6011 

Swift code: ASBBNZ2A

Particulars (Limited to 12 characters): Your first name or initials and surname or organisation name.

Choose one of the following options:

Your donation will go to our 2025 Annual Appeal – Here for Humanity – Here and Abroad

Account Name: NZRC Fundraising

Account Number: 12-3192-0043737-00

Code: Donation

Your donation will go to the Pacific Disaster Fund

Account Name: NZRC Fundraising

Account Number: 12-3192-0043737-00

Code: Pacific Dis

Your donation will go to the Global Disaster Fund

Account Name: NZRC Fundraising

Account Number: 12-3192-0043737-00

Code: Global Dis

Your donation will go to the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal

Account Name: NZRC Fundraising

Account Number: 12-3192-0043737-00

Code: Ukraine

Your reference (Limited to 12 characters)

Your supporter ID number if known. You will find this number on correspondence from Red Cross, it starts with “RE"


Leave blank if you don’t have a supporter ID number.

Tax credits and tax receipts

If you donate $5 or more, you may be eligible to claim 33% of it back from IRD. You need a tax receipt for your donation from New Zealand Red Cross to make a claim.

Tax credits for donations (IRD website)

If you make a one-off donation we will email or post you a tax receipt when you make the donation providing you have supplied us with your contact details.   

If you are a regular monthly donor we will email or post you an annual tax receipt at the end of the financial year. We need your current contact details to do this so if you are a regular donor please make sure you keep us up to date if you change your address or email.  It will make it easier and faster for us to process your updated details/request if you are able to provide us with your Supporter ID number which starts with RE.  

Contact us 

If you have any questions about donations, tax receipts, or updating your contact details our Supporter Care team are available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.  

Email: fundraising@redcross.org.nz

Call: 0800 RED CROSS (0800 733 276).