Donation terms and conditions

New Zealand Red Cross terms and conditions for regular direct debit donations and our donations refund policy.
Donations refund policy
New Zealand Red Cross will refund all donations made that are fraudulent due to unauthorised use of a credit card. There may also be times when we are unable to use funds raised for a specific purpose. If this happens, we may refund these donations.
In all circumstances, refunds of donations will be at our discretion. Before we can refund an online donation, we will find out if the donation has already been applied to a charitable purpose or whether it can be refunded back to the donor.
If you have any questions about this policy or wish to seek a refund of a charitable donation you have made, please email or ring 0800 697 277.
Direct debit terms and conditions
If you set up a direct debit with New Zealand Red Cross these are the terms and conditions you accept. These terms and conditions are prescribed by our bank (ASB Bank).
By ticking the box “I agree to the donation terms and conditions” when you sign up as a regular donor you are saying:
- I agree that this authority is subject to my bank’s terms and conditions that relate to my account.
- I agree to the following conditions relating to notices and disputes:
- I may ask my bank to reverse a direct debit up to 120 calendar days after the debit if:
- I don’t receive a written notice of the amount and date of each direct debit from the New Zealand Red Cross, or
- I receive a written notice but the amount or the date of debiting is different from the amount or the date specified on the notice.
- I may ask my bank to reverse a direct debit up to 9 months after the date New Zealand Red Cross sent the first direct debit under the authority if I am not reasonably satisfied that the authority authorised my bank to debit my account with the amount of the direct debit.
- I may ask my bank to reverse a direct debit up to 120 calendar days after the debit if:
You are also accepting that:
New Zealand Red Cross agrees to give you a written notice of the amount and date of each direct debit no less than 10 calendar days before the date of the debit.
If the bank dishonours a direct debit and
- We send the direct debit a second time, and
- it is within 5 business days of the original direct debit.
we are not required to notify you a second time of the amount and date of the direct debit.