Arabic |عربي
COVID-19 information
معلومات حول استجابة نيوزيلندا لجائحة COVID-19 باللغة العربية
Trauma counselling
Trauma counselling - information (in Arabic), PDF
Trauma counselling and support
7.3 earthquake in Vanuatu
On Tuesday, 17 December, Vanuatu was struck by a powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake, followed by strong aftershocks, causing widespread devastation. Please donate today and stand with those in need during this critical time. Thank you for your compassion and support.
Information translated from English into other languages
Find information in your own language about New Zealand Red Cross services. Our translated information is mainly about the support services we provide to refugee background communities. There is also information in other languages about our restoring family links service.
معلومات حول استجابة نيوزيلندا لجائحة COVID-19 باللغة العربية
Trauma counselling - information (in Arabic), PDF
Trauma counselling and support