Get Meals on Wheels

We provide a Meals on Wheels delivery service to people who are unable to cook for themselves. Find out about our role and how you can apply to get Meals on Wheels.
Our meal delivery service helps provide a healthy meal every weekday to people all around Aotearoa New Zealand. We’ve got 3,000 volunteers out on the roads delivering hot lunches to people who have a disability or ongoing health problems that mean they have difficulty preparing a meal for themselves.
We’ve been delivering Meals on Wheels since the 1950’s. More than a food delivery service, we provide regular social contact to our clients and an opportunity for someone to check that everything is OK.
How to get Meals on Wheels
If you or someone you’re caring for would like to get Meals on Wheels, you’ll first need to speak to your GP or other health professional. They will let you know if you are eligible for the service, and will make any necessary arrangements. New Zealand Red Cross is not part of any decision making process around eligibility, so we are unable to receive individual requests for this service.
There is more information about how to access meals on wheels and other help in the home on the New Zealand government website.
Information about access to government help in the home
The role of Te Whatu Ora- Health New Zealand
One of Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand’s roles is to provide nutritional support to the community by making low-cost, home-delivered hot meals available to residents who need it.
The meals are prepared by district health services, food service contractors, community health trusts or retirement villages.
Our role
Our role at New Zealand Red Cross is to coordinate volunteers to deliver the meals. We are always looking for more volunteers drivers to deliver the meals.