Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Our Fundamental Principles are consistent with Te Tiriti o Waitangi | The Treaty of Waitangi.
Te Tiriti o Waitangi established Aotearoa New Zealand as a bicultural nation, where Māori and the Crown work together in partnership.
As part of Red Cross Red Crescent, we work to alleviate suffering within our own borders and worldwide. We follow international and domestic law – Te Tiriti o Waitangi is the founding document for the country in which we operate.
We recognise that engagement with Māori is essential to our work. We're committed to using Te Tiriti o Waitangi to guide our relationship with Māori as tangata whenua and Treaty partners. We embrace the Treaty principles of partnership, participation, and protection.
Rōpū Hāpai Māori
Ehara taku toa I te toa takitahi, Engari he toa takitini.
My strength is not that of an individual, but that of a collective.
Rōpū Hāpai Māori is one of our communities — also called networks — which provide spaces for Red Cross people to feel:
- supported and empowered in their identity, and
- a sense of belonging at New Zealand Red Cross.
The rōpū ensures that we are able to support Māori communities and reflect the communities we serve – in both representation and skills.
Our hapori
The rōpū was established to support Red Cross people in encouraging, guiding, and providing input on:
- Māori mana motuhake
- tikanga Māori
- te reo Māori, and
- Te Ao Māori.
The rōpū is open to anyone committed upholding Māori aspirations. All members are able to contribute at the level that suits their skills, time, capacity, and desire.
Our kaupapa
- Foster an environment for members, volunteers, and staff where Māori mana motuhake is upheld.
- Advocate for Māori communities within New Zealand Red Cross.
- Provide opportunities to learn and teach others about matters relating to Māori communities.
- Provide feedback on the development of policies and procedures at New Zealand Red Cross that affect Māori.
- Be active within New Zealand Red Cross to remain updated on all issues, queries, events, and activities that may affect Māori.
The rōpū has an Executive Leadership Team sponsor or appointed nominee and up to two leadership roles and:
- Tiamana Kaimahi | Co-Chairperson – Staff
- Tiamana Kairāhi | Co-Chairperson – Members and Volunteers.